The Parish Board
There is a common misconception that church basically "happens" on Sundays and that for the rest of the week the church doors are securely locked. Some wonder what the priest does from Monday to Saturday. One person even remarked that priests would be judged harshly for their disobedience of God's command, because instead of working six days and resting on the seventh, they do the exact opposite.
However, the Parish is a busy place, requiring unending pastoral care daily, the organisation of the many activities behind the scenes, discussions, and meetings, necessary for the day-to-day running of the Parish. None of this would be possible without the tireless efforts of the members of the Parish Board and other Subcommittees.
Understanding the Role of the Parish Board
The Parish Board is the administrative body of a Parish and Church Community elected at the AGM by its stewards (members) for the purpose of working together with the Parish Priest fulfilling the mission and goals of the Parish. The service of the members of the Board is honorary, their position voluntary and not paid.
This brief description of the local governing body of a Parish also explains a fundamental aspect of the structure of the Orthodox Church. Both clergy and laity are the “People of God” who seek, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, to fulfill the mission entrusted to them, to live and proclaim the Holy Gospel and the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church. Historically, clergy and laity have worked together in dealing with matters of the Church’s life. The Parish Board is an example of the synergy of clergy and laity; it is a vehicle for implementing the ongoing mission of the Church and planning the necessary strategies, policies, procedures, and activities that will enable the Parish to move forward in accomplishing God’s work.
Parish Board members are elected to serve a special ministry which requires total love, loyalty, and dedication to Christ and His Church. They are not only official representative of the Parish but also of the Church itself, and thus are expected to exert every effort to exemplify its sacred character and spirit.
Upon election to this trusted office, Parish Board members assumed three basic obligations which will help guide them in their ministry:
To understand, live by, and uphold the tenets, teachings, and traditions of the Holy Orthodox Church
To understand and abide by the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Constitution of the Metropolitanate of Australia and New Zealand, as set forth by the Metropolitanate, and by the Parish Rules and Parish (Local) Regulations
To live by and uphold their oath of office by utilizing God-given time, their talents and treasures for the spiritual progress and advancement of the Parish
Parish Board 2022/2023
V. Rev. Fr. Miodrag Peric
Dean and Parish Priest
Mr Ljubo (Lucas) Bogicevic
Mr Milan Letunica
Vice President
Mrs Mirjana Djukic
Mrs Melissa Kozlina
Assistant Secretary
Mrs Andrijana Drpa
Ms Zorka Simich
Assistant Treasurer
Mr Vladeta (Lale) Teofilovic
Mrs Dejana Kuzmanovic
School Coordinator
Mrs Milica Mihajlovic
Assistant Coordinator
Mrs Dragana Jovanovic Milanovik
Choir Coordinator
Miss Tanja Grujic
Assistant Choir Coordinator
Miss Adriana Gusavac
Youth Ministries Coordinator
Miss Sara Mitrovic
Assistant Youth Ministires Coordinator
Mrs Radmila Jovanovic
Ladies Auxiliary President
Mrs Danica Kanic
Ladies Auxiliary Vice President
Mr Miroljub Mihajlovic
Building & Maintenance Subcomm. President
Mr Obrad Maric
Building Subcommittee Vice President
Mr Boza Kanic
Logistics & Organis. Subcomm. President
Board Members:
Mr Dejan Boric
Mr Radovan Petrovic
Mr Stojan Milosavic
Mr Zelimir Koncar
Audit Board (Internal):
Mrs Melissa Kozlina - President
Mr Aleksandar Matic - Member
Mr Miroljub Mihajlovic - Member
Altar Servers:
Half-deacon, Mr Veljko Mrakic
Half-deacon, Mr Goran Cibula