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Attire and Conduct in an Orthodox Church
(Guidelines for Laity and Visitors)

You are cordially welcome to our church

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord...


  • Out of respect for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for the Holy Tradition and ancient customs of the Orthodox Christian Faith, and for one's own self-respect, suitable and modest attire, and behavior are requested of all. This means, minimally: Short pants are not allowed anywhere in the Church for men or women above 12 years of age. Women's skirts should cover to the knees; no sleeveless shirts or halters; no bare midriffs. Men should wear long trousers. No beach, sports or athletic gear, equipment, or attire.

  • No Tee shirts with slogans, logos, pictures, or mottos; no tank tops. Shirts and blouses should be modestly buttoned. Men, please remove caps or other head-covers. Women may cover their heads.


  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere inside, nor is it permitted on the steps of the church.


  • Food and chewing gum is not allowed in the church. 


  • Women should blot their lipstick before kissing icons.


  • When the Holy Doors to the Altar are open, you should face the Altar, hands at your sides, or held one over the other at the waist. Do not stand with hands in pockets; do not fold arms behind you or across your chest.


  • Candles are dedicated offerings made by the faithful for the living and the departed.


  • Turn mobile phones off before entering church. If for any reason you must leave, please exit quietly.


  • The reception of Holy Communion is reserved to those who are baptised members of the Orthodox Church who have prepared themselves by fasting, prayer, participation in the divine services, and Confession. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, Antidoron (blessed bread) is distributed to all the faithful.


  • Greeting people (kissing and hand shaking) should be done outside the church. Whilst in church a nod of the head to acknowledge friends and relatives is acceptable.

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Александрија НСВ 2015

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